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- # Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- #
- # This file is part of Ghostscript.
- #
- # Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- # to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- # particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- # to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- #
- # Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- # Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- # General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- # given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- # responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- # things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- # copies.
- # makefile for Ghostscript, MS-Windows 3.n/Borland C++ 3.0 or 3.1 platform.
- # ------------------------------- Options ------------------------------- #
- ###### This section is the only part of the file you should need to edit.
- # ------ Generic options ------ #
- # Define the default directory/ies for the runtime
- # initialization and font files. Separate multiple directories with \;.
- # Use / to indicate directories, not a single \.
- GS_LIB_DEFAULT=c:/gs\;c:/gs/fonts
- # Define the name of the Ghostscript initialization file.
- # (There is no reason to change this.)
- GS_INIT=gs_init.ps
- # Choose generic configuration options.
- # Setting DEBUG=1 includes debugging features (-Z switch) in the code.
- # Code runs substantially slower even if no debugging switches are set,
- # and also takes about another 25K of memory.
- # Setting TDEBUG=1 includes symbol table information for the Borland debugger.
- # No execution time or space penalty, just larger .OBJ and .EXE files
- # and slower linking.
- # Setting NOPRIVATE=1 makes private (static) procedures and variables public,
- # so they are visible to the debugger and profiler.
- # No execution time or space penalty, just larger .OBJ and .EXE files.
- # Define the name of the executable file.
- GS=gswin
- # ------ Platform-specific options ------ #
- # If you don't have an assembler, set USE_ASM=0. Otherwise, set USE_ASM=1,
- # and set ASM to the name of the assembler you are using. This can be
- # a full path name if you want. Normally it will be masm or tasm.
- ASM=tasm
- # Define the drive, directory, and compiler name for the Turbo C files.
- # COMP is the compiler name (tcc for Turbo C++, bcc for Borland C++).
- # COMPDIR contains the compiler and linker (normally \bc\bin).
- # INCDIR contains the include files (normally \bc\include).
- # LIBDIR contains the library files (normally \bc\lib).
- # Note that these prefixes are always followed by a \,
- # so if you want to use the current directory, use an explicit '.'.
- COMP=bcc
- COMPDIR=c:\bc\bin
- INCDIR=c:\bc\include
- LIBDIR=c:\bc\lib
- # Define the Windows directory.
- WINDIR=c:\windows
- # Windows 3.n requires a 286 CPU or higher.
- CPU_TYPE=286
- # Don't rely on FPU for Windows: Options are -1 (optimize for no FPU) or
- # 0 (optimize for FPU present, but do not require a FPU).
- # ---------------------------- End of options ---------------------------- #
- # Swapping `make' out of memory makes linking much faster.
- .swap
- # Define the platform name.
- PLATFORM=bcwin_
- # Define the name of the makefile -- used in dependencies.
- MAKEFILE=bcwin.mak
- # Define the ANSI-to-K&R dependency. Turbo C accepts ANSI syntax,
- # but we need to preconstruct ccf.tr to get around the limit on
- # the maximum length of a command line.
- AK=ccf.tr
- # Define the compilation flags for an 80286.
- # This is void because we handle -2 and -3 in ccf.tr (see below).
- F286=
- # Figure out which version of Borland C++ we are running.
- # In the MAKE program that comes with Borland C++ 2.0, __MAKE__ is 0x300;
- # in the MAKE that comes with Borland C++ 3.0 and 3.1, it is 0x360.
- # We care because 3.0 has additional optimization features.
- # There are also some places below where we distinguish BC++ 3.1 from 3.0
- # by testing whether $(INCDIR)\win30.h exists (true in 3.1, false in 3.0).
- EXIST_BC3_1=exist $(INCDIR)\win30.h
- # Figure out which version of Windows we are running, 3.0 or 3.1.
- # I *think* 3.0 doesn't have the 256COLOR.BMP file.
- WINDOWS_3_1=exist $(WINDIR)\256color.bmp
- !if $(__MAKE__) >= 0x360
- CO=-Obe -Z
- !else
- CO=-O
- !endif
- !include "tccommon.mak"
- # Define the compilation flags.
- !if $(NOPRIVATE)
- !else
- CP=
- !endif
- !if $(DEBUG) | $(TDEBUG)
- CS=-N
- !else
- CS=
- !endif
- !if $(DEBUG)
- !else
- CD=
- !endif
- !if $(TDEBUG)
- CT=-v
- LCT=/v
- !else
- CT=-y
- LCT=/m /l
- !endif
- GENOPT=$(CP) $(CS) $(CD) $(CT)
- CC=$(COMPDIR)\$(COMP) -m$(MM) -zEGS_FAR_DATA @ccf.tr
- # We want a Windows executable with only selected functions exported:
- WX=-WE
- CCC=$(CC) $(WX) $(CO) -c
- CCD=$(CC) $(WX) -O -c
- CCINT=$(CC) $(WX) -c
- .c.obj:
- $(CCC) { $<}
- # ------ Devices and features ------ #
- # Choose the language feature(s) to include. See gs.mak for details.
- # Since Ghostscript runs in enhanced mode, we include a fair number
- # of drivers, but we can't exceed 64K of static data.
- FEATURE_DEVS=filter.dev dps.dev level2.dev
- # Choose the device(s) to include. See devs.mak for details.
- DEVICE_DEVS=mswin.dev mswinprn.dev
- DEVICE_DEVS3=deskjet.dev djet500.dev laserjet.dev ljetplus.dev ljet2p.dev ljet3.dev
- DEVICE_DEVS4=cdeskjet.dev cdjcolor.dev cdjmono.dev cdj550.dev paintjet.dev pjetxl.dev
- DEVICE_DEVS5=epson.dev eps9high.dev ibmpro.dev bj10e.dev
- DEVICE_DEVS7=bmpmono.dev bmp16.dev bmp256.dev bmp16m.dev
- DEVICE_DEVS8=gifmono.dev gif8.dev bit.dev
- !include "gs.mak"
- !include "devs.mak"
- # Build the compiler response file depending on the selected options.
- ccf.tr: $(MAKEFILE) makefile
- echo -2 -a -d -r -G -N -X -I$(INCDIR) $(CCFLAGS0) -DCHECK_INTERRUPTS >ccf.tr
- !if $(CPU_TYPE) > 286
- echo -3 -a -d -r -G -N -X -I$(INCDIR) $(CCFLAGS0) -DCHECK_INTERRUPTS >_temp_
- if $(EXIST_BC3_1) copy _temp_ ccf.tr
- !endif
- # -------------------------------- Library -------------------------------- #
- # The Turbo/Borland C(++), Microsoft Windows platform
- # Using a file device resource to get the console streams re-initialized
- # is bad architecture (an upward reference to zfiledev),
- # but it will have to do for the moment.
- bcwin__=gp_mswin.$(OBJ) gp_mswtx.$(OBJ) gp_msdos.$(OBJ) gp_nofb.$(OBJ)
- bcwin_.dev: $(bcwin__)
- $(SHP)gssetmod bcwin_ $(bcwin__)
- $(SHP)gsaddmod bcwin_ -fdev wstdio
- gp_mswin.$(OBJ): gp_mswin.c $(AK) gp_mswin.h gp_mswtx.h \
- $(ctype__h) $(dos__h) $(malloc__h) $(memory__h) $(stdio__h) $(string__h) $(windows__h) \
- $(gx_h) $(gp_h) $(gpcheck_h) $(gserrors_h) $(gxdevice_h)
- gp_mswtx.$(OBJ): gp_mswtx.c $(AK) gp_mswtx.h \
- $(ctype__h) $(dos__h) $(memory__h) $(string__h) $(windows__h)
- gp_msdos.$(OBJ): gp_msdos.c $(AK) $(dos__h) $(string__h) \
- $(gstypes_h) $(gp_h) $(gsutil_h)
- # ----------------------------- Main program ------------------------------ #
- BEGINFILES=gs*.res gs*.ico
- CCBEGIN=$(CCC) *.c
- # Get around the fact that the DOS shell has a rather small limit on
- # the length of a command line. (sigh)
- LIBCTR=libc$(MM).tr
- $(LIBCTR): $(MAKEFILE) makefile
- echo $(LIBDIR)\import $(LIBDIR)\mathw$(MM) $(LIBDIR)\cw$(MM) >$(LIBCTR)
- LIBDOS=$(LIBGS) obj.tr
- # Interpreter main program
- ICONS=gsgraph.ico gstext.ico
- GS_ALL=gs.$(OBJ) $(INT) $(INTASM) gsmain.$(OBJ)\
- $(LIBDOS) $(LIBCTR) obj.tr lib.tr $(GS).res $(GS).def $(ICONS)
- # Make the icons from their text form.
- gsgraph.ico: gsgraph.icx echogs$(XE)
- echogs -wb gsgraph.ico -n -X -r gsgraph.icx
- gstext.ico: gstext.icx echogs$(XE)
- echogs -wb gstext.ico -n -X -r gstext.icx
- $(GS).res: $(GS).rc gp_mswin.h $(ICONS)
- $(COMPDIR)\rc -i$(INCDIR) -r $(GS)
- $(GS)$(XE): $(GS_ALL) $(ALL_DEVS)
- tlink $(LCT) /Twe $(LIBDIR)\c0w$(MM) @obj.tr $(INTASM) @gs.tr ,$(GS),$(GS),@lib.tr @$(LIBCTR),$(GS).def
- echo $(COMPDIR)\rc -30 -i$(INCDIR) $(GS) >_temp_.bat
- echo $(COMPDIR)\rc -i$(INCDIR) $(GS) >_temp_
- if not $(EXIST_BC3_1) copy _temp_ _temp_.bat
- if $(WINDOWS_3_1) copy _temp_ _temp_.bat
- _temp_.bat